Should You Remove Your Wisdom Teeth and Get Braces?

Many individuals had dental work done, such as removing their wisdom teeth or orthodontic treatment (braces), to improve their oral health and overall aesthetic.

However, one may question whether such measures are required or beneficial. In this post, we will discuss wisdom tooth extraction and orthodontic treatment by Orthodontist in South Pasadena so that you may make a well-informed choice.

Wisdom teeth extraction

It is common for people to get their wisdom teeth in their early to mid-20s. Due to the crowding or misalignment of these teeth, some individuals may have pain or discomfort, while others may not have any problems.

Most dentists will suggest the extraction of a wisdom tooth if it is causing discomfort or harm to the patient's oral health.

Impaction of the Wisdom Teeth: What Is It?

Likely, there isn't enough room for your wisdom teeth to erupt since they are the last to appear in the mouth. Sometimes a patient's jaw isn't large enough to contain the whole set of teeth, including the third molars.

When your wisdom teeth don't have enough room to come through the gums, they are said to be impacted. Another way an impacted tooth might damage the teeth around it is if it grows at an angle. A partly erupted tooth has not fully grown from the gums and into the mouth.

What Should You Eat After Having Your Wisdom Teeth Pulled?

Some swelling and sensitivity in the treated region are expected after the operation by Orthodontist in Altadena. Eating soft meals is recommended during the first week or two to minimize discomfort.

This necessitates avoiding foods that need significant chewing, such as whole pieces of meat, chips, popcorn, toffee, etc.


Brackets and wires may correct misalignment of the teeth and straighten crooked smiles, but removing wisdom teeth can prevent future problems.

It is essential to see a dentist or Orthodontist in Arcadia about your dental requirements and goals before deciding whether or not to undertake any of these operations.

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