How can Invisalign treatments benefit you?

Invisalign treatment procedure is the most sought-after alternative option for dental braces. With the advancement in orthodontic dentistry, Invisalign in South Pasadena offers a transparent way to straighten teeth without using traditional braces.

Invisalign involves a set of removable teeth aligners to gradually straighten teeth over a few courses. Below are some advantages of using Invisalign.

Invisalign is more convenient

The dentist prepares the teeth aligners for Invisalign using the customization method to be fitted to your mouth.

Therefore, Invisalign in Altadena poses less discomfort than wearing metal braces. Since the aligners are removable, it’s more convenient to enjoy your food choice and chew them properly without any discomfort.

Allows better oral hygiene

With Invisalign, you can remove the aligners to brush and floss your mouth more easily to continue with your daily routine.Using Invisalign in 91106, you can also clean the inside of the aligners to prevent any microbial build-up inside them.

Non-invasive treatment procedure

Unlike traditional braces that require extensive evaluation of your teeth, Invisalign in South Pasadena doesn’t involve any invasive measures.

Invisalign incorporates 3D scanning technology to make a full scan of your teeth and translate it into 3D prints to create customized teeth aligners.

The biggest advantage of using the Invisalign technique instead of braces is its shorter treatment period.

While the traditional orthodontic method would take up to three to five years to complete the course, with Invisalign, the course of treatment would take about one year to get a satisfying result.

Reach out to Go Orthodontics to get reliable orthodontic solutions for any teeth and jaw-related issues.

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