How To Take Care of Your Dental Crowns

Dentists can use dental crowns as a simple and effective method for repairing and restoring damaged or weak teeth. While the dangers of tooth decay are well-known, it’s a more rare occurrence, such as needing a root canal, that requires a crown — which can restore both function and aesthetics. But similar to natural teeth, dental crowns need proper care in order to remain intact for several years. In this guide, we will explore expert tips on taking care of dental crowns with help from a trusted Altadena Orthodontist specialist . Maintain Good Oral Hygiene Taking Care of Dental Crowns with Good Oral Hygiene While crowns are sturdy and built to last, the natural teeth around them still need to be taken care of every day. Twice a day, brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste and floss to remove plaque and food debris. Make sure to also clean the area around the crown itself in order to prevent any buildup that could potentially lead to gum disease or decay of the underlying tooth. As yo...